DD7HW2 Rhetorical Precis

Article 1:
Article Title: Increase in spatial visualization test scores during engineering study
Authors: Blade, Mary F.; Watson, Walter S.
Journal Title:  Psychological Monographs: General and Applied, Vol 69(12), 1955, 1-13.
Where/how you found the full text of the article: In order to see full text, you have to purchase the pdf and it is located at the right side of the screen when looking at the abstract.

Rhetorical Precis
In Mary F Blade's journal article "Increase in Spacial Visualization test scores during engineering study," she suggest that a student's growth/change is measured by the spacial visualization test. The author first suggest that high scores on the spatial visualization test indicate an aptitude for engineering study; she then argues that low scores do not indicate lack of aptitude, and to conclude she suggest that teachers of drawing and descriptive geometry may wish to consider differential programs of study for students who have undeveloped spatial visualization due to lack of experience. Her purpose was to provide evidence in order to convince the audience/reader the truth about her statements. She seems to have a innovative audience in mind because she is introducing a new idea.

M. F. Blade and W. S. Watson, “Increase in spatial visualization test scores during engineering                  study.,” Psychological Monographs: General and Applied, vol. 69, no. 12, pp. 1–13, 1955.

Article 2
Article Title: The Development and Assessment of a Course for Enhancing the 3-D Spatial Visualization Skills of First Year Engineering Students
Authors: Sheryl A. Sorby, Beverly J. Baartmans
Journal Title: Journal of Engineering Educatiuon, Volume 89, Issue 3, July 2000, Pages 301–307
Where/how you found the full text of the article: In order to see full text, you have to purchase the pdf and it is located at the right side of the screen when looking at the abstract.

Rhetorical Precis
In Sheryl A. Sorby and Beverly J. Baartmans's journal article "The Development and Assessment of a Course for Enhancing the 3-D Spatial Visualization Skills of First Year Engineering Student" she announces that they had received NSF funding to develop pre-graphics course for freshman engineering majors who are weak in 3-D spatial visualizing skills. The author first informs the audience by announcing that there were classes offered in the year 1993 and every fall after that at the Michigan Technological University; she then talks about the classes by describing the course objectives, and to conclude she suggest to the audience that in order to measure the results from the class, assessment for the course has to be continuous. Their purpose is describe the project and the assessment findings from the longitudinal study. She seems to have a innovative audience in mind because she introduced a new class to stengthen 3-D spatial visualization skills in freshman engineering majors.


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