DD6HW5 Complete a Google Scholar Search

Article 1
Article Title: Increase in spatial visualization test scores during engineering study
Authors: Blade, Mary F.; Watson, Walter S.
Journal Title:  Psychological Monographs: General and Applied, Vol 69(12), 1955, 1-13.
Where/how you found the full text of the article: In order to see full text, you have to purchase the pdf and it is located at the right side of the screen when looking at the abstract.

Article 2
Article Title: The Development and Assessment of a Course for Enhancing the 3-D Spatial Visualization Skills of First Year Engineering Students
Authors: Sheryl A. Sorby, Beverly J. Baartmans
Journal Title: Journal of Engineering Educatiuon, Volume 89, Issue 3, July 2000, Pages 301–307
Where/how you found the full text of the article: In order to see full text, you have to purchase the pdf and it is located at the right side of the screen when looking at the abstract.


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